Tradition to create a talisman for money and good luck with your own hands is in many Nations of the world. It is rooted deep into centuries, and its sacred meaning often lies in sniskanii favor of higher powers, for example, of the Universe. In the process of creating such talismans should usually speak their desire or imagine in detail what you want to see your life, once you have the correct amount of money.
Amulet of thread
This mascot in the form of a cord will bring good luck and help in the fulfillment of desires associated with money. The manufacture of such amulets should be addressed at the waning, and even better - on a full moon. Then you have to buy in the store threads of red, green and blue colors. Coils are used that are not recommended. Of these threads, the colors symbolize wealth (green), strength of desire (red) and its implementation (blue), you need to weave a tight braid and tie the ends to make a kind bracelet. In the process of making the talisman should represent what could be the source of your financial well-being (raise, new position or job, inheritance, etc.). If this is not possible, then you just need to quietly say his wish out loud.
When the bracelet thread is ready, it should be put on the bone of the left foot and pull until your financial situation improves. When this event takes place, a talisman need to burn and mentally thank the Universe for giving you help.
Amulet money and good luck with your own hands can be done as a mascot for all members of your family. To do this, take a coin or banknote of any value and it is wrapped with wool yarn green color to make a neat ball. The thread end is fixed, for example, tape obtained and hang a talisman over the door of the Cabinet, office or apartment always from the inner side. This talisman will attract money and gifts. To enhance the action of the green ball by using essential oils. In particular to amulets to attract money, does not lose its strength, it is recommended to sprinkle it with orange extract or cloves.
10 tambourine
Simple but effective talisman can be made from one of the game cards. You should take the ten of diamonds with the new "Russian" deck that players is considered the most, as they say, fartovoi, and lubricate the essential oil of bergamot. However, you should mentally ask the map for help to attract money and good fortune. Once the talisman is ready, it should constantly carry in your wallet and no one to show.
Coin from clay

Homemade charms can be made of different materials. For example, very suitable for this ordinary clay from which God, as we know, blinded Adam. You also need a bit of liquid honey. Dry clay kneaded with water. Then put cinnamon powder on the tip of a knife and a bit of honey.
From the resulting mass roll the ball to form from it round the coin. Until the clay has dried, the circle by pressing an engraved number which is equal to the sum of the required money (e.g., millions), and the reverse side is schematically depicted himself in profile. Then a coin was dried in preheated oven for 20-30 minutes. After the talisman has cooled, it needs to be put in a purse and keep together with your cash.
Those who do not know how to make a talisman to attract money, you can suggest this simple method:
• in a transparent Cup of brewed tea and add 1 teaspoon of liquid honey;• put the mug on a sheet of paper of green color;
• within 1 minute (no more, no less!) a brand new finely honed pencil stir the tea, moving the arm in a clockwise direction and thinking about the required sum of money;
• removed from the circles to a sheet of paper;
• write on it with a pencil, which spoke the words: "tea time";
• repeat this phrase 3 times out loud;
• write a piece of paper in four, hides in the purse and not touch 1 year;
• tea drink to the last drop.
The herbal pouch
Amulet money and good luck with your own hands can be done on the "recipe" of medieval European witches.
You need to take a cinnamon stick, some pine needles, dried ginger slices and 3-4 dry eucalyptus leaves. All these ingredients need to pound in a mortar. The sacred meaning of this action is to simulate the messages through which this world comes (is born) everything is new. Thus, in the process of chopping herbs a person who makes an amulet with their own hands creating new circumstances in your life. After cooking the powder, spread it in a small linen bag and tie the green thread. The talisman should be kept in the office, on the desktop, or in the office. Usually the power of the talisman of fragrant herbs that attract money, enough for one year. After this period, the bag charm burn and replace it with a new one.
Talisman "Money in the house"
The manufacture of such a talisman is a ritual. It requires to take two candles: white and green. They should be installed on the table at a distance of 20 cm from each other, and to light on a match. After 2-3 minutes, the candles should blow out and hide in a secluded place. This ritual must be repeated for 10 days, reducing the distance by 2 cm on the last day of the candles will be there and after you extinguish the flames, they need to tie the gold ribbon and hide, wrapped in paper. This amulet will be a cash mascot of your family and will also attract good luck to the house.
Magic bag
Don't know how to make a talisman for attracting financial well-being? Then read the following statement:
• take a small bag made of cloth with bright red color;• put in three coins necessarily of the same value;
• pour in the pouch a pinch of dried rose petals and chamomile;
• sew in the top part of the amulet kulisku, to pass her a gold ribbon tight and knot.
To strengthen the effect of this talisman, you can use the branches of the walnut tree. It should tie into a pouch using a thin strip of green.
Amulet with coins and petals of flowers, it is recommended to hang over hours or over the entrance to the house and from time to time to splash one of the essential oils that attract money, for example, orange.

The following amulet for money and luck, made, and used to restore health. First of all, you need to carefully split the Mature walnut and delete the contents from the shell. Then you need:
• on a piece of paper to summarize their desire to achieve financial well-being;• attach a note to the shell;
• connect the two halves and tie a red ribbon to get the whole nut.
You can first glue the two shells with glue.
As walnut is a symbol of longevity, a talisman of money described above will also help to get rid of many chronic diseases.
Growing money
You need to collect one of every coins of different denominations which can be traded in your country, and bury them in a pot with soil. Then it should plant a cactus, and even better, geranium. For as you grow you will increase income.
Silver charms
Gold is the only metal that is associated with wealth. Moreover, it has long been the Slavs to attract money, people used amulets of silver. For example, it was believed that the magical power of the symbol of the God Veles. It is a shape resembling an inverted letter "A". Because this character was considered one of the most powerful, it is usually laid in a circle. It was believed that thus the indomitable energy of Veles is heading in the right direction and whoever wears an amulet, it enjoys the full patronage.
Now you know how to make amulets to attract money, and to enlist the support of a higher power.